The top 5 foods to avoid for weight loss. When trying to lose weight, there are so many different types of diets, and the truth is that different diets work for different people and their various body types. But there are some foods which should be a no-go-zone no matter what diet you are on. Here are the top 5 foods to avoid when trying to lose weight.

This one is a bit of a no-brainer – most people know that sugar can cause weight gain. But some low-fat enthusiasts say it’s ok to eat sugar as long as you don’t eat fats. Wrong! Sugar in any form (this includes glucose, fructose, cane juice, malt extract and corn syrup) can cause weight gain by raising blood glucose levels. This causes a release of insulin which tells our bodies to convert the sugar to fat and store it around our mid-sections. Even artificial sweeteners have now been linked with weight gain, so please don’t even go there. If you need something sweet, try stevia – it’s the only natural product which doesn’t mess with blood glucose.
Processed grains
Grains which have had the outer husk removed to make them white, not only have their fibre and some nutrients removed, they are also absorbed into the bloodstream much faster than their whole grain equivalents. This causes a sharp rise in blood sugar, which – you guessed it – has the same effect as cane sugar. Instead of white bread, go for wholegrain sourdough, and try brown rice instead of white. And avoid white pasta, muffins, cakes and anything else which seems overly processed, and instead try products which are made with almond meal, coconut flour and chickpea flour.
Trans fats
Trans fats are caused by heating up oils until their healthy properties become null and void. Common examples of trans fats are margarine (where oils are processed to within an inch of their lives), cooking oils which have been heated until they produce smoke, and any oils which have not been cold pressed. Why are trans fats linked to weight gain? Trans fats are linked to inflammation in the body (while good fats like coconut oil, avocados and raw nuts help to bring inflammation down). Inflammation can cause the body to hold on to its fat reserves as it’s part of the body’s natural defense system.
Chemicals in foods
The higher the chemical load on the body, the harder is to shed fat. The body has a natural tendency to hold on tighter to fat reserves which contain chemicals so that the toxins are not released into the bloodstream. Pesticides, drug residues and chemicals from cleaning products and cosmetics can all make their way into our fat cells and live there for a long time. So how do we get rid of the fat safely? The solution is to do a supervised detox diet with specific detoxifying herbs to safely excrete the toxins via the liver and digestive system.
Low fat foods
Current research shows that we eat more when we are on a low fat diet, because low fat foods are not as satisfying as their full fat equivalents. And what do we usually reach for when we are feeling less than satisfied? You guessed it – processed carbs and sugar. And forget pre-packaged low fat foods – they’re usually higher in sugar or artificial sweeteners to compensate for the lack of flavour (fat makes things tastes good you know!). So embrace a new way of thinking – fat is not the enemy as long as you choose wisely! We are not advocating deep fried foods here (sorry to get your hopes up!). Try avocados, raw nuts and seeds, virgin coconut oil, cold pressed flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil and macadamia oil.
Avoiding these foods might be just the thing you need to “flick the switch” in your body that tells it to start shedding weight. Remember – slow, steady weight loss done within the framework of a healthy, nutrient rich diet is the key to keeping the weight off long term. But if you feel that your body needs a kick start, our holistic detox programs can help to get the ball rolling.
Our detox retreats start with juice fasting, which has been proven to lower blood pressure, decrease fasting insulin levels, reduce cholesterol and increase fat burning hormones. During a fast, the body works to mobilise its fat stores for energy while sparing lean muscle mass, so the weight loss is more likely to be fat loss. Fasting is also fantastic for relieving bloating and fluid retention, so you can also look forward to a flatter stomach.