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The Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Cancer

It is estimated that half the Australian population will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime (Australian Government, 2017). With an alarming statistic like that, it is fair to say we have all been affected by cancer in one way or another. While it is a common and tragic disease that affects so many, there are steps you can be taking right now to minimise your risk of developing cancer or supporting your current cancer treatment to improve your quantity and more importantly, quality of life.

What is this secret weapon that can dramatically improve my odds of developing cancer?

Regular detoxification. We have all heard the word but very few of us understand what it means and how it relates to us.

Well if you are breathing, eating, drinking, and living on planet earth, detox is not only a word you should be familiar with but one that should be part of your daily life.

Toxins are everywhere. They are in our food, our water, the air we breathe, the products we put on our bodies, and even our homes. According to the Centre for Disease Control, environment and lifestyle are responsible for over 80% of disease and this toxic accumulation is responsible for 59-71% of cancer-related deaths.

Cancer like any other chronic disease does not happen overnight but develops over time. Increased toxic burden creates oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and inflammation. Cells cannot become cancerous in a healthy environment. Malignant seeds only germinate in an unhealthy soil. Unfortunately, Chemotherapy is incredibly toxic to the body and is only further increasing the toxic load. In order to keep cancer cells at bay, we must alter the terrain of our body.

So how do we change the terrain of our body?

Reduce the number of toxins coming in and increase the number going out.

Incoming toxins

  • Processed meats (nitrates & nitrites)

  • BBQ meats (heterocyclic amines)

  • Alcohol

  • Smoking

  • Plastics (BPA)

  • moulds (aflatoxin)

  • Amalgam fillings (mercury),

  • Vaccines (mercury, formaldehyde, aluminium)

  • Select antiperspirant’s that contain aluminium

  • fluoridated and chlorinated water

  • Many prescription and over the counter drugs

  • Chemotherapeutic agents

  • Cleaning supplies

  • Cosmetics, lotions, sunscreens containing sodium lauryl sulphate, parabens and other harmful chemicals

  • Pesticides and Herbicides found in non-organic and GMO produce and meat

Supporting detoxification

There are five elimination organs of the body: the skin, liver, intestines, kidneys, and lungs. By supporting elimination in all these organs, we can begin to rid the body of these harmful toxins and begin the healing process. Because cancer cells thrive on sugar, fasting and ketosis have been shown to reduce tumour growth and prevent carcinogenesis. Other ways of supporting detoxification are as follows:

  • Far infrared sauna

  • colon hydrotherapy

  • juice or water fasting (must be supervised)

  • high fibre diet with organic fruit and vegetable

  • meditation

  • deep breathing

  • yoga

  • exercise

  • organic skincare products

  • homemade cleaning products (water+essential oils such as eucalyptus)

  • avoiding plastic water bottles and takeaway food

  • drinking at least 2 litres of purified water

  • massage

  • supplements to encourage detoxification (consult your local naturopath to find which ones are right for you)

  • practice gratitude and forgiveness

As expressed by Sayer Ji, “Cancer can no longer be viewed as something bad that happens to an intrinsically healthy body. Rather, cancer is something the body actively does in response to an intrinsically unhealthy cellular, bodily and planetary environment’

While we can’t control all of our toxic exposure, we can do a great deal to minimise it. Detox should be part of our daily life. There is no time like the present to begin your healing journey, everything you put in or on your body is either healing or harmful. Begin today by asking yourself ‘what in my home or fridge is helping me and what is harming me?

By Isabel Halse B.ClinSci B.HSci, I-ACT


Anand P, Kunnumakara AB, Sundaram C, et al. ‘Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes’. Pharmaceutical Research September


Australian Government, 2017, ‘All Cancers in Australia’, viewed on 9 May, 2017 <>

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2016 ‘Cancer Prevention and Control viewed on 9 May, 2017 <’>

Ji, S. 2017, ‘Has Cancer Been Completely Misunderstood?’, GreenMedInfo, viewed 15 May, 2017, <>

Klement RJ, Kammerer U. I’s there a role for carbohydrate restriction in the treatment and prevention of cancer?’ Nutr Metab (Lond). 2011 Oct 26;8(1):75.

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