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Oral Health and Detoxification

Oral health and detoxification. Although periods of focused cleansing and detoxification are essential for our health, wellbeing and longevity, there are also many healthy routines that we can include into our day-to-day lives that will help us to maintain an overall level of vitality, strength and general good health.

Our mouths are an area of the body that may not come to mind when you think of cleansing and detoxing. However, the health of our mouth, gums and teeth are intrinsically related to our overall wellbeing.

Your mouth is the permanent residence of a multitude of microorganisms that you cannot see, feel or taste. Like the bacteria that resides in our gut, the bacteria in our mouth can be of the good or harmful kind. The beneficial bacteria, which are also known as probiotics, aid in the digestion of foods and protect our teeth and gums from the bad bacteria, which can easily grow out of control. Bad bacteria can lead to an array of oral health conditions and can be a breeding ground for germs, toxins and disease such as bad breath, gingivitis, periodontitis, cavities, and plaque build-up.

The warm and moist environment of our mouth can easily translate into infection and bacterial overgrowth, which can then travel throughout the body’s system, leading to cardiovascular disease, bacterial pneumonia and diabetes. This is why controlling the bacteria and creating a healthy environment within our mouth is so important. While the bad bacteria is always present to some degree, it can be kept in balance with good oral practices, targeted nutrition and a few simple daily cleansing techniques.

Tongue Scraping - Tongue scraping is a traditional Ayuvedic technique that uses a metal scraper pulled over the tongue to remove the soft plaque from the tongues surface. Tongue scraping may seem odd at first, however it is a wonderful and common technique to clean bacterial build-up, food debris, fungi and dead cells from the surface of the tongue. This helps to clean the mouth, freshen the breath and also stimulates the metabolism which is why it is best done upon rising each morning. By removing the build up of toxins that occurs in the mouth overnight you are removing most of the bacteria and other debris that are the primary source of bad breath, plaque, tartar and acids that can lead to tooth decay.

Oil Pulling - Oil pulling is another ancient Ayurvedic technique that is a natural way to strengthen the immune system by killing toxic yeast that makes its way from your stomach to mouth while you sleep. The practice of oil pulling literally pulls toxins from the oral cavity, which is then spat out and cleared from the body. Studies have proven that oil pulling is a successful way to reduce plaque-induced gingivitis, infection and bad breath while simultaneously offering whiter teeth, healthier gums and a toxin-free mouth. You can use sesame oil or coconut oil and the practice is best done straight upon rising. Simply swish the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes and then spit and rinse well.

Flossing - It’s an oldie but a goodie! You may have recollections of your mother trying to force you to floss your teeth as a child, but in actual fact, she was doing you a favor. There is just no way around it – flossing daily is an integral part of keeping your mouth fresh, clean and free from toxic build up. No matter how well and how religiously you brush your teeth, plaque and bacteria can form in the small crevices and cracks between our teeth and eventually lead to a deterioration of the gum and gum disease. Tea Tree floss is a great way to enjoy flossing- not only does it leave you with fresh breath; it also significantly reduces gingivitis and bleeding of the gums.

Brushing - Brushing your teeth 2-3 times a day is probably a common habit that is already part of your daily routine. However, the toothpaste you are using makes a dramatic difference to whether you are contributing to your overall health or putting yourself at risk in other ways. Try to eliminate Fluoride, Sodium Lauryl/Laureth Sulfate, Triclosan, Sodium Hydroxcide and other nasty chemicals. These chemicals are damaging to the body as a whole and can even reduce the healthy bacteria (probiotics) in the mouth. Opt for toothpaste that uses natural antibacterial agents and breath fresheners such as neem, licorice, eucalyptus, clove and peppermint instead.

Neem Oil - Neem oil is an ancient remedy used for clearing up infections in the mouth. While the oil does not have a pleasant taste, its healing capabilities are enough to endure it. Acting as an antibacterial agent, neem oil can be used to keep the bad oral bacteria from taking over and proliferating. Clinical studies have shown neem to be effective in lowering levels of plaque and tartar, while reducing inflammation, bleeding gums and dental infections. Simply apply a few drops of the oil directly to the gum line, massage, and allow it to sit overnight

Camu Camu and Vitamin C - Vitamin C is wonderful not only to boost our immune system, but also to keep our gums happy and healthy too. Rather than getting your Vitamin C from a synthetic vitamin tablet, try using the superfood Camu Camu. Camu Camu contains 250mg of Vitamin C per teaspoon, containing more Vitamin C than any other known botanical source. Vitamin C helps to reduce the incidence of bleeding gums, gingivitis, and even periodontitis. The good news is that the effects of Camu Camu go far beyond a healthy gum line, helping to improve immunity and the texture of the skin, while repairing and maintaining cartilage, bones, and teeth.

Here at Byron Bay Detox Retreats we support all major organs of detoxification and oral detoxification is part of our programme. Detox and feel alive!

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