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Meet Lani

Counsellor, Spiritual Healer, Meditation Teacher, Lani is a sensitive being who hears all you have to say, and is able to see and feel who you really are. She has the ability to hold a space of safety where you may reveal all that has created disharmony and pain for you in your life. She will encourage you in unusual and gentle ways and occasionally challenge you to become more of who you truly are, and who you truly wish to be. Life will often challenge us. Knowing how to deal with life’s challenges and finding serenity in times of turmoil is a skill that Lani will guide you gently, yet powerfully towards.

Within a session, as a Spiritual Healer, Lani may occasionally (with your permission) ’lay hands’ on you. Spiritual Healing is a non invasive, gentle, yet powerful therapy, and is beneficial in healing Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual unease. It is an Age Old Therapy, the basis of which is the love of fellow man, connection to a divine source, and the desire to ease suffering.

As a Meditation teacher she will show you easy and achievable ways to enter a state of Meditation, where understanding and enlightenment may occur, and where the body and mind are eased into a state of deep healing and replenishment. The mind rests, the body rests, the Soul rejoices.

Lani also works with Australian Bush Flower Essences which are natural, vibrational medicines that support and address specific emotional states. These essences may also, when appropriate, be discussed with, and prescribed for you, to support you on your Healing journey.

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