September Astrology by our resident Astrologer Varij.
Two planets of movement, both mental and physical, Mercury and Mars are now in direct motion, soon to be joined by Saturn, the planet of delays and slow motion turning direct on September 6. With Jupiter, the planet of fortune and higher understanding also in direct motion, the portents are that September will be the month of a Great Leap Forward after a testing Eclipse season that for many proved to be a winter of discontent. Much positive progress can now be achieved.
Venus and Mars change signs this month so the dance of love and relating is sure to feature some new and challenging steps after Venus enters Scorpio on the 9th and Mars re-enters Aquarius on the 11th. All or nothing says, Venus. Don’t tell me what to do or how to be, says Mars. A creative integration of passion and independence is being called forth.
Detoxing benefits from Mercury entering earth sign Virgo, the sign it rules on Sep 6 and the Virgo New Moon occurring on Sep 10 at 4:01 am AEST. Virgo is associated with digestion and the New Moon is the time to set intentions and action plans to cleanse and purify body, mind and spirit. For according to Virgo the body is the temple of the spirit. So time to nourish the spirit by feeding the body temple only clean healthy food and eating mindfully.